Monday, October 1, 2007

Just Say NO to the S-CHIP

Whenever the left wants to take more of your money, count on them using children as human shields. That's the case with Speaker of the House, 'Damascus' Nancy Pelosi, who began her first session of congress with about a dozen little kids surrounding her.

The S-CHIP advocates say that this is for the children, which is common refrain from the party of the democrat party. This is an attempt at socialized medicine and that puts people like 'Damascus' Nancy, Ted Kennedy and Harry Reid in control of YOUR health care.

Of course, the fact that the S-CHIP program considers 'children' to be folks up to the age of 25 seems to have been lost on its advocates. Another fact that they conveniently overlook is that PARENTS are responsible for children. No, Hillary, it does not take a village and we are not village idiots who think that the government should be more involved in raising our kids.

Speaking of raising things, the only way to pay for this is to raise taxes and, the democrats being democrats, they want to raise taxes on something that is unhealthy but still legal: tobacco. The proposed 80¢ a pack tax on tobacco, according to the S-CHIP advocates, would fund the program. So what happens when tobacco sales drop, as they inevitably will, and there is not enough money to fund this feel-good, socialist nanny-state nonsense? That's right, they will take our hard-earned money.

What's galling is that the democrats complain about the high levels of spending by republicans while they advocate socialized medicine and subverting the duties of parents.

Hey democrats, here's a clue: a world war against Islamonazi terrorists who've already killed 3,000 of our citizens on US soil, is expensive. Ensuring our survival is a whole lot more important than your attempt to buy votes with taxpayer-funded socialized medicine.

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What America Thinks of Hillary Care

What America Thinks of Hillary Care